Sorry again for the long time between updates.  Diane has declined dramatically the past two weeks and my focus is on her and not communicating to our support system.  Events have accelerated yet time appears to be standing still.  A reminder to live in the light of eternity where  relationships, values, and Truth reign and“stuff”, pettiness and self-centeredness are exposed for what they are…a counterfeit reality designed by the enemy of our souls to distractfrom God’s perfect will.

Diane’s health has declined, but her spirit has soared.  She is experiencing the peace of God which has been imparted by her to all who have visited during this time.  Two weeks ago we intended to fly to Idaho to visit friends and family.  We embarked on an new dietary regimen and considered going to a clinic with a high rate of success in stage 4 cancer treatments

But in a matter of days Diane went from being ambulatory to using a wheelchair, her appetite disappeared and she was firm that rather than going to extraordinary lengths, she wanted to pass from this life to the next in Santa Cruz in the presence of her family.

This she is doing.  Diane’s three sisters came from around the country, the Wilson’s from Idaho and all the local kids and grandkids, 35 in all. We had three adult only dinners, a rare configuration, with opportunity for deep sharing.  We moved to Diane’s sister’s rental at Pleasure Point where they hosted a reception with the women from our church.

Now we are at the Brownlee’s home where volunteers (in less than 24hrs) fixed up a beautiful space that looks out on a private patio where Diane can get fresh air, receive guests,and be served by family.

Thursday, the entire family gathered there to feast, toast and reminisce.  We rejoiced in God’s Providence that used Diane to help create not only this family, but fruitful ministries, including many “Crisis Pregnancy Centers”, Servant Group Int’l, Surfer Bible Studies and Trinity Covenant Church (among others). I noted that not only were her unique hospitality gifts exploited, but it was her vision that brought these things to pass.  

I will expand on these thoughts in the future, but God has impressed it upon me, to acknowledge her role in many ministries where I was the “front person.”  Diane’s focus was always on building God’s Kingdom and not personal recognition. Hundreds of cards, emails and letters bear testimony to soft words and quiet deeds that helped transform many lives.

Saturday Alex Wurmbrand arrived to join Chris Reno and Jordan Brownlee in a Brother Down reprise to serenade Diane along with the local family and a few close friends including Elizabeth Flores.  She and Benjamin, hosted Alex’s grandparents, Richard and Sabina, when they first came to the U.S. God used that relationship to bring Alex to Him at our communion table years a go.  Another reminder of God’s Providence.  

Our out-of-towners have left, but Doug and Nancy Wilson are here today and three of Diane’s good friends from Moscow arrive tomorrowPlease pray God’s peace on Diane and each of us as we attempt to glorify Him in sending our wife, mother, grandmother and sister home. I asked Diane if she wanted to say anything in this post.  She said she is “just following Aslan home. Her love for the gospel as expressed by Lewis is not fiction, but as real as the joy that comes in the morning.

AuthorHeather Wilson
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There’s been no recent “updates” because Diane’s health has made it impossible for her to exercise her considerable communication skills and I’ve been too busy keeping up with mundane, but essential tasks to properly care for her.  This brief report is a response to our many prayer warriors requests for enough info to “pray with understanding” regarding Diane’s situation.

Diane’s friends in Moscow, Idaho raised funds to fly her up for a visit. She looked forward to see them, as well as Heather and Nate and their joyful clan.  We were to leave Thursday, delayed to Friday and now is postponed again due to weakness stemming from an infection.  She was proscribed antibiotics, which we hope will grant her strength to travel.

Wednesday we met nurses from Hospice Santa Cruz.  They were “supportive” and promised much practical help, including a hospital bed, shower chair, medicine and supplies which were delivered within 24 hours.  While helpful and appreciated their charge is palliative care, not healing.  Our friend and family doctor, Karl Johsens, continues to provide oversight, counsel and support for our pro-active “healing” activities.

We’re following a protocol, mentioned in our last update, but it is too soon to know how well Diane is responding to.  We’re investigating other options which I’ll comment on in our next update.  Offers of medical advice, many of which have merit, cannot be employed now as they’d interfere with the one we’re doing.  If I get time I may post a more detailed explanation for those who are interested.

Please pray the infection is cured, the swelling of her right leg due to blockage of the lymph glands would subside and for spiritual, emotional and physical strength.  Diane’s attitude continues to be exemplary and her spirit hopeful.  Cards, emails and practical support continue to flow, but we’ve been unable to acknowledge them the past two weeks.  This is “difficult” for my “Mrs. Manners” to accept.  Please know that each “kindness” is noted in our prayers and Diane’s countenance. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

AuthorHeather Wilson
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Yesterday we received the call from the Stanford Tumor Board.  The doctor confirmed what we expected, but had hoped not to hear.  Diane’s tumor is inoperable and their “guess” is she has six months to live.

They proposed two options (1) chemo protocols which have no record of success with this particular cancer and may marginally extend Diane’s days and (2) a palliative care program supported by a local hospice to keep her “comfortable.”

Diane quickly responded, “no more chemo.”  We discussed this previously.  This chemo would make her sick, lose her hair and due to risk of infection, limit time with kids and grandkids. It was an easy decision.

Thursday we met with a woman who has successfully treated cancer with a dietary, herbal and natural supplement protocol.  Diane liked her and her advice and we are currently implementing her program.  Best case, it will shrink the tumor and deliver Diane from the precipice. Worst case, her immune system will be strengthened and she’ll enjoy the Last Act with family, friends and a cheering cloud of witnesses.

Friends and family in Idaho, wanted to visit Diane in Santa Cruz, but Heather, raised funds to fly us there for a week next Thursday. Diane is looking forward toward seeing our Wilson clan and many dear friends who have been faithfully ministering to her from afar.  It was driving back from Idaho last October when we first realized “something” was wrong.

“Thankfulness in all things” was something we stressed with the children when they were young.  At bedtime, before prayer, they always had to say what they were thankful for (not just “Jesus”, but the great/small providences of their day). It was great practice which became “habit” in our children’s lives.  Our gratitude towards God for the gift we’ve had in Diane overflows as we reflect on her past ministry to us and her gracious testimony in embracing God’s will today.   

We want to thank all who have written words of encouragement and shared testimonies of how Diane blessed many of you who our children have not met or have even heard about in family lore.  Your notes, cards and postings are the most effective prescriptions filled by the Great Physician.

We’ll keep you posted.



AuthorHeather Wilson


"And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Phil.4:7

We just spent a lovely Easter weekend with our 6 children and 22 grandchildren. Heather and Nate drove the 17 hours to spent 4 days here with us and left early Tuesday morning. Turns out it was perfect timing for them to be here now along with all the siblings. After my doctor appointment last week, it was decided that my case needed to go before the Tumor Review Board made up of oncologist, radiologist, and gynecological surgeons. Board meets one day a week and I needed a doctor to be my advocate. Providentially, I was able to get an appointment with a Stanford surgeon and one of his specialties is Vulvar Cancer, a rare form of cancer that I have been diagnosed with. After reviewing the pet scan from the week before, the doctor was pretty certain, based on the the lack of responsiveness to all treatment thus far, that they could do no more. He will go to the Board Meeting on Friday and listen to all opinions. The problem is the extensiveness of tumor and what it would entail. I was so thankful to go back to Heather and Nate's where the kids had already gathered so they could be told all together. Needless to say, the news was shocking to my kids but as I told them, there are no surprises to God and He has ordained all things for His good purposes. It makes no sense to us and may never this side of heaven but we all love Jesus and know that all He does is for our good and we will continue to trust and obey.

Prayer requests:

  • Pray for the parents as they share this news with their children. Give them wisdom, clarity of thought and simplicity of words based on Scripture
  • Pray for me and Bill and we prepare for separation after 41 years.
  • Pray for me to use the time I have left wisely and be quick to repent when I fall into self pity, etc. I am not fearful of dying but the thought of not seeing grand kids grow up can make me sad. God knows this and I must remain faithful to repent quicky and trust in His great love for me and my family.
  • Pray for financial needs to be met during this season.


  • I am overcome with gratitude for my 6 faithful children and their families. This gives me great peace during this time
  • Praise for a faithful church.
  • Thankful for the many friends and strangers who have contributed to my medical fund and who have sent notes of encouragement filled with Scripture to bring a healing balm.


AuthorHeather Wilson
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"For momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory,  while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal."  2 Corinthians 4:17 

“To please God… to be a real ingredient in the divine happiness… to be loved by God, not merely pitied, but delighted in as an artist delights in his work or a father in a son- it seems impossible, a weight or burden of glory which our thoughts can hardly sustain. But so it is.” C.S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory

I just returned from getting my blood transfusion after my red blood cell count being low. I could have gotten all worried and anxious but instead turned to Christ and told Him that I trust Him, I am His, and that I know everything that He has for me is good.

While sitting in the chair at the transfusion center listening to Fernando Ortega, I thought for the first time that if I had not had the 103 degree fever the night before, I would not have had blood work done for a while and the red count would not have been caught. Praise God that all the details of our lives are planned responsibility is to trust and believe.


. As C.S.Lewis said in The Weight of Glory, "it seems impossible, a weight or burden of glory which our thoughts can hardly sustain. But so it is.”  Yes, so it is!

AuthorHeather Wilson
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